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We prepared a Parkland Management Plan for Stourhead, Wiltshire part funded under HLS.  This commission provided an opportunity to bring the lesser appreciated landscape park out from the shadow of the world famous garden.  Research and site analysis revealed a landscape composition of unusual subtlety laid out by Henry Hoare II from 1725 and developed by his grandson, Richard Colt Hoare from 1785.  Revolving around the ambitious ride, The Terrace, the landscape is revealed in a series of pictorial experiences formed by ornamental buildings and lush woodland planting, wherein aspects of an even older medieval park remain and a modern farming operation helps sustains landscape character.

The work will be used to fine tune an existing HLS agreement and inform long term planning for the National Trust and its tenant farmer.  A greater enjoyment and appreciation of the park will also follow through new interpretation and proposed access initiatives to this part of the grade I registered historic park and garden.