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Conservation, Management & Restoration

We are specialists in the conservation, restoration and management of historic landscapes and have worked at many of the UK’s most significant sites.  We have extensive experience of preparing Conservation Management Plans for properties of all shapes and sizes, including Grade I Registered parklands, historically significant gardens and buildings, and heritage landscapes of international renown.  Our work has included securing funding to implement ambitious schemes through Natural England's Higher Level Stewardship Scheme and the Heritage Lottery Fund. 

All of our Plans are supported by a robust approach to researching and understanding the historic development of the site and its current significances, including its current use, and in developing management strategies that are logically drawn in consultation with the client.  We recognise the value in the use of graphics to analyse and communicate our findings more clearly, including through historic overlays, views analysis maps, visualisations and masterplans, so that all stages of the project are readily understood.  We also have a proven track record of working with a wide range of consultants, including archaeologists, ecologists, GIS specialists, arboriculturalists and hydrologists in order to meet the full requirements of the brief.

Lyme Park & Garden

Lyme Park & Garden

Bradgate Park

Bradgate Park

Montacute Park

Montacute Park

Shugborough Park

Shugborough Park



Runnymede & Ankerwycke

Runnymede & Ankerwycke

Burghley Park

Burghley Park

Canons Ashby

Canons Ashby

Burledge Hillfort

Burledge Hillfort